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Best Practices in Operationalizing IPE in Clinical Setting—Logistics of a National Crowdsourcing. Digital Poster.
Medical Education
  • J Luk
  • C Hasbrouck
  • H Hageman
  • K Huggett
  • Deborah Simpson, Advocate Aurora Health

Academic Affairs

Family Medicine

Publication Date
Presentation Notes
Poster and platform presentation at Generalists in Medical Education Meeting. Seattle, Washington.

Interprofessional education in clinical settings continues to be a rapidly evolving topic due to implementation challenges.1,2 To gain a better understanding of strategies used to address implementation challenges, the authors employed a crowdsourcing approach to leverage the collective expertise of medical educators nationally. The guiding principles to create the infrastructure, to conduct the crowdsourcing, and to aggregate the information for national dissemination mirror those of multicenter biomedical research3,4,5,6,7 including:

(1) commitment to a common vision;

(2) consensus building;

(3) collaboration; and

(4) dissemination of findings.

The originating authors started with a shared need emerging from conversations at a national medical education meeting. A central steering group formed to transform the idea to implementation and applied published strategies/guides for medical education and educational research collaborations to create infrastructure to support the effort.8,9,10

Emanating from one regional Group on Educational Affairs (GEA) of the Association of American Medical Colleges, the central steering group reached out across the three other regional GEAs to identify interested regional champions who would compose the regional interprofessional teams to employ a crowdsourcing strategy at regional GEA meetings. Led by regional champions, regular communications and planning efforts conducted across the regions took place via phone, email, and shared cloud media. Creation of this network involved trust building and overcoming regional technological and cultural challenges. Standards on approach, regional proposal submissions, crowdsourcing process, and workshop document curation allowed for aggregation of information and discernment of consensus and themes. Key lessons learned could be adapted to obtain national crowdsourcing of other important hot topics in medical education:

• National and regional champions• Central steering or organizing body • Standards for crowdsourcing and curation • Common purpose, expectations, and outcome • Respectful communication • Inclusivity of collaboration regionally and nationally • Recognition of contributions from collaborators

We created a laboratory to apply a collaboration framework in medical education, similar to the provision of interprofessional collaborative care.11,12

Discussion triggers: 1. What topics would be appropriate for use of this crowdsourcing approach? 2. Are there guiding values and strategies employed to create infrastructure, to conduct crowdsourcing, and/or to aggregate information for national dissemination generalizable? 3. What might be unintended outcomes of this approach? 4. How might development/enrichment of colleague networks occur around shared topics? 5. How might calls for sessions at regional meetings specifically support crowdsourcing?


1. Blue AV, Chesluk BJ, Conforti LN, Holmboe ES. Assessment and Evaluation in Interprofessional Education: Exploring the Field. Journal of allied health. 2015 May 29;44(2):73-82.

2. Lawlis TR, Anson J, Greenfield D. Barriers and enablers that influence sustainable interprofessional education: a literature review. Journal of interprofessional care. 2014 Jul 1;28(4):305-10.

3. Chung KC, Song JW, WRIST Study Group. A guide to organizing a multicenter clinical trial. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 Aug;126(2):515-23.

4. Youngblood ME, Murray KT, Devine E, Latham PK, Hubatch S. Coordinating and monitoring multisite clinical trials that combine pharmacological and behavioral treatments. J Stud Alcohol Suppl. 2005 Jul;(15):82-91.

5. Society of Directors of Research in Medical Education. AM last page. Guidelines for multi-institutional/collaborative research. Acad Med. 2015 Mar;90(3):394.

6. Waggoner J, Carline JD, Durning SJ. Is There a Consensus on Consensus Methodology? Descriptions and Recommendations for Future Consensus Research. Acad Med. 2016 May;91(5):663-8.

7. Clinical Research Networks and Multicenter Clinical Studies Clinical Research Skills Development Core. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. clinical-research-skill-dev-core. Accessed 5 May 2016.

8. Huggett KN, Gusic ME, Greenberg R, Ketterer JM. Twelve tips for conducting collaborative research in medical education. Med Teach. 2011;33(9):713-8.

9. Lesky L, Davis A, Cooke M. How did we make the Interdisciplinary Generalist Curriculum Project work? National efforts to facilitate success. Acad Med. 2001 Apr;76(4 Suppl):S26-30.

Document Type
Citation Information

Luk J, Hasbrouck C, Hageman H, Huggett K, SIMPSON D, Stuber M, Afran J, Findley P, King P, Maio A, Masterson M, Saks NS, Timmerman G, Warde C, Young V. Best Practices in Operationalizing IPE in Clinical Setting—Logistics of a National Crowdsourcing. Digital Poster. Generalists in Medical Education. November 10-11, 2016. Seattle, Washington.