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Dec. 21: Free Speech Means … Plus Other Letters to the Editor
The Globe and Mail - Letters to the Editor
  • Dayna Nadine Scott, Osgoode Hall Law School of York University
Document Type
News Article
Publication Date

Preston Manning is selective about the “truths that urgently require a co-ordinated response from governments, companies and Canadians.”

One hard truth he didn’t mention: climate change. It is simply not possible to speak credibly about a way forward for these “corridors” without confronting why so many people are opposed to new pipelines – because they cement us on an unsustainable path of fossil fuel extraction.

Another hard truth: Indigenous self-determination. The lands Mr. Manning is hoping to cordon off are not unoccupied; they include the homelands of Indigenous nations exercising political authority. I think he better go back to the drawing board.

- Dayna Nadine Scott, York Research Chair in Environmental Law and Justice in the Green Economy; associate professor, Osgoode Hall Law School

Citation Information
Dayna Nadine Scott. "Dec. 21: Free Speech Means … Plus Other Letters to the Editor" The Globe and Mail - Letters to the Editor (2018)
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