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A Fourteenth-Century Spanish Life of Saint Lawrence: Madrid, B.N. 10252
La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
  • Dawn Bratsch-Prince, Iowa State University
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Publication Version
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[T]odos aquellos que son christianos deven oyr e entender las vidas e las pasiones de los santos martires, en tal que tomen ende alguna fazafia. Ca las fazafias d'aquellos que grandes martirios sufrieron por la ley de Dios tener e guardar nos puede en derecha carrera. E por esto, vos dezimos que deve omne de grado oyr e entender las vidas e las pasiones de los santos martires, ca por Nuestro Senor veo agora pocos martires prender muerte. B.N., MS 10252, f. 96ra

With these words, the Castilian compiler of the Ystoria de santos explicitly states his reason for collecting and recounting the forty-eight holy lives contained in this volume: his audience should follow the examples contained therein, i.e., "que tomen ende alguna fazafia. " His exhortation is meant both to inspire and frighten believers into leading pious lives by imitating the laudable examples of the early Christian martyrs. Among the exemplary lives retold by the compiler is that of St. Lawrence.


This is an article from La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures 21 (1990): 86. Posted with permission.

Copyright Owner
The Ohio State University
File Format
Citation Information
Dawn Bratsch-Prince. "A Fourteenth-Century Spanish Life of Saint Lawrence: Madrid, B.N. 10252" La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Vol. 21 (1990) p. 86 - 107
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