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Intermittent Water Supplies: Challenges and Opportunities for Residential Water Users in Jordan
Water International
  • David E. Rosenberg, Utah State University
  • Samer Talozi, Jordan University of Science and Technology
  • Jay Lund, University of California - Davis
Document Type
Taylor and Francis (Routledge)
Publication Date

Intermittent access to improved urban water supplies is a large and expanding global problem. This paper describes 16 supply enhancement and 23 demand management actions available to urban residential water users in Jordan to cope with intermittent supplies. We characterize actions by implementation, costs, and water quantities and qualities acquired or conserved. This effort systematically identifies potential options prior to detailed study and shows that water users have significant capacity to affect demand. We suggest several methods to evaluate options and highlight the need to include local water management decisions in integrated water resources management and planning at utility and regional scales.

Citation Information
David Rosenberg, Samer Talozi, and Jay Lund (2008) “Intermittent Water Supplies: Challenges and Opportunities for Residential Water Users in Jordan.” Water International. 33(4), pp. 488-504.