Brian H. Stuy (with foreward by David Smolin), Open Secret: Cash and Coercion in China's International Adoption Program
Cumberland Law Review
Open Secret is a documentation and analysis of seriously abusive practices in China's intercountry adoption system. The article describes three kinds of abuses: baby-buying programs at Chinese orphanages, "confiscations" of children by population control officials, and "education" programs in which orphanages falsify the ages and family situation of teenagers in order to make them paper eligible for intercountry adoption. The article questions the effectiveness of the Hague legal regimen for intercountry adoption, particularly in the context of China. A brief foreward by David Smolin places Brian Stuy's extensively-researched article about adoptions from China in a broader context.
- Intercountry Adoption; International Adoption; China;
Publication Date
October, 2014
Publisher Statement
Article published originally in Volume 44, No. 3, Cumberland Law Review
Citation Information
Brian H. Stuy. "Brian H. Stuy (with foreward by David Smolin), Open Secret: Cash and Coercion in China's International Adoption Program" Cumberland Law Review Vol. 44 Iss. 3 (2014) Available at: