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B-3 Current Trends in Pastoral Family Stress
Celebration of Research and Creative Scholarship
  • David Sedlacek, Andrews University
Presenter Status
Department of Discipleship and Religious Education
Buller Room 149
Start Date
8-11-2012 5:24 PM
End Date
8-11-2012 5:36 PM
Presentation Abstract

Pastors, their spouses and their children each experience stress of various types. This presentation will share the results of an ongoing study being conducted by the SDA Theological Seminary, the Departments of Behavioral Science and Social Work in conjunction with Southern Adventist University and the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists. The study will focus on the highlights of major concern revealed in the study results to date.

Citation Information
David Sedlacek. "B-3 Current Trends in Pastoral Family Stress" (2012)
Available at: