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Tensorial Representation of Two-point Correlation Functions for PolycrystallineMicrostructure by Harmonic Polynomials
Philosophical Magazine A
  • P. I. Etingof
  • David D. Sam, Utah State University
  • B. L. Adams
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One important characteristic of polycrystalline microstructures is the set of two-point correlation functions which describe the statistics of spatial correlation of lattice orientations between two points which are separated by a specified vector. Described in this paper is a new mathematical approach to the representation and computation of such functions. The approach allows one to construct coordinate-free tensorial representations of two-point statistics using the theory of harmonic polynomials. The method relies heavily on representation theory of the group of rotations of the three-dimensional space, a brief introduction to which is presented.

Citation Information
"Tensorial representation of two-point correlation functions for polycrystalline microstructure by harmonic polynomials", P. I. Etingof, D. D. Sam and B. L. Adams, 1995, Philosophical Magazine A, 72, 199.