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Introducing TCAD tools in a graduate course
Proceedings of the Microelectronic Systems Education Conference (2007)
  • David W Parent, San Jose State University
  • Lourdes Del Rio-Parent
We have introduced synopsys TCAD tools to students taking our core graduate course in device physics. Learning these tools was a key component of their class project. Students learned the tools in our new lab (donated by synopsys and Intel through a synopsys' Charles Babbage grant) using synopsys' and complementary tutorials developed in-house. Through analysis of student performance and project characteristics, we found that project complexity seemed to have negatively impacted students' academic performance. In this paper, we will present lessons learned introducing a TCAD tools.
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Citation Information
David W Parent and Lourdes Del Rio-Parent. "Introducing TCAD tools in a graduate course" Proceedings of the Microelectronic Systems Education Conference (2007)
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