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Dopant Profiles in Heavily Doped ZnO
Optical Engineering
  • Bruce Claflin
  • Kevin D. Leedy
  • David C. Look, Wright State University - Main Campus
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X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is used to compare the composition as a function of depth of as-grown zinc oxide (ZnO) films heavily doped with Ga and similar samples annealed in air for 10 min at 600°C, with particular attention given to the near-surface region. Films are grown by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) using a ZnO target containing 3 wt% Ga2O3. Electrical properties of these samples are determined from temperature-dependent Hall-effect measurements. The as-grown film has the following characteristics: (1) ∼1∶1 Zn:O ratio with a Ga concentration of ∼3.3 at %; (2) no excess Ga in the near-surface region; and (3) excellent electrical characteristics: ρ=2.42×10−4  Ω-cm, n=8.05×1020  cm−3, and μ=32.1   cm2/V-s-s at 300 K. For the annealed sample: (1) the Zn:O ratio remains ∼1∶1, but the Ga concentration is ∼3 at %, which is ∼10% lower than in the as-grown film; (2) ∼7 at % Ga is measured in the near-surface region; and (3) a significant increase in resistivity to ρ=0.99  Ω-cm, n=1.97×1018  cm−3, and μ=3.2  cm2/V-s at 300 K. Analysis of the O chemical shift suggests formation of a mixed ZnO/Ga2O3 surface layer ≤5-nm-thick accounts for the observed changes in the Ga profile after annealing.

Citation Information
Bruce Claflin, Kevin D. Leedy and David C. Look. "Dopant Profiles in Heavily Doped ZnO" Optical Engineering Vol. 52 Iss. 5 (2013) ISSN: 0091-3286
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