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VT-Revolution: Interactive programming tutorials made possible
ESEC/FSE 2018: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Con-ference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering: Lake Buena Vista, Florida, November 4-9
  • Lingfeng BAO, Zhejiang University
  • Zhenchang XING, Australian National University
  • Xin XIA, Monash University
  • David LO, Singapore Management University
  • Shanping LI, Zhejiang University
Publication Type
Conference Proceeding Article
Publication Date

Programming video tutorials showcase programming tasks and associated workflows. Although video tutorials are easy to create, it isoften difficult to explore the captured workflows and interact withthe programs in the videos. In this work, we propose a tool named VTRevolution – an interactive programming video tutorial authoring system. VTRevolution has two components: 1) a tutorial authoring system leverages operating system level instrumentation to log workflow history while tutorial authors are creating programming video tutorials; 2) a tutorial watching system enhances the learning experience of video tutorials by providing operation history and timeline-based browsing interactions. Our tutorial authoring system does not require any special recording tools or instrumentation of target applications. Neither does it incur any additional burden on tutorial authors to add interactions to video tutorials.Given a video tutorial enriched with synchronously-logged workflow history, our tutorial watching system allows tutorial watchers to explore the captured workflows and interact with files and code in a way that is impossible for video data alone. We conduct a user study of 90 developers to evaluate the design and effectiveness ofour system in helping developers learn programming knowledge in video tutorials.

  • Workflow,
  • Video Tutorial
City or Country
New York
Copyright Owner and License
Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International
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Citation Information
Lingfeng BAO, Zhenchang XING, Xin XIA, David LO, et al.. "VT-Revolution: Interactive programming tutorials made possible" ESEC/FSE 2018: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Con-ference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering: Lake Buena Vista, Florida, November 4-9 (2018) p. 924 - 927
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