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On locating malicious code in piggybacked Android apps
Journal of Computer Science and Technology
  • Li LI, University of Luxembourg
  • Daoyuan LI, University of Luxembourg
  • Tegawende F. BISSYANDE, University of Luxembourg
  • Jacques KLEIN, University of Luxembourg
  • Haipeng CAI, Washington State University
  • David LO, Singapore Management University
  • Yves LE TRAON, University of Luxembourg
Publication Type
Journal Article
Publication Date

To devise efficient approaches and tools for detecting malicious packages in the Android ecosystem, researchers are increasingly required to have a deep understanding of malware. There is thus a need to provide a framework for dissecting malware and locating malicious program fragments within app code in order to build a comprehensive dataset of malicious samples. Towards addressing this need, we propose in this work a tool-based approach called HookRanker, which provides ranked lists of potentially malicious packages based on the way malware behaviour code is triggered. With experiments on a ground truth of piggybacked apps, we are able to automatically locate the malicious packages from piggybacked Android apps with an accuracy@5 of 83.6% for such packages that are triggered through method invocations and an accuracy@5 of 82.2% for such packages that are triggered independently.

  • Android,
  • piggybacked app,
  • malicious code,
  • HookRanker
Springer Verlag (Germany)
Copyright Owner and License
Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International
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Citation Information
Li LI, Daoyuan LI, Tegawende F. BISSYANDE, Jacques KLEIN, et al.. "On locating malicious code in piggybacked Android apps" Journal of Computer Science and Technology Vol. 32 Iss. 6 (2017) p. 1108 - 1124 ISSN: 1000-9000
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