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Automatically locating malicious packages in piggybacked Android apps
Proceedings - 2017 IEEE/ACM: 4th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017 May 22-23
  • Li LI
  • Daoyuan LI
  • Tegawende BISSYANDE
  • Jacques KLEIN
  • Haipeng CAI
  • David LO, Singapore Management University
  • Yves LE TRAON
Publication Type
Conference Proceeding Article
Publication Date

To devise efficient approaches and tools for detecting malicious packages in the Android ecosystem, researchers are increasingly required to have a deep understanding of malware. There is thus a need to provide a framework for dissecting malware and locating malicious program fragments within app code in order to build a comprehensive dataset of malicious samples. Towards addressing this need, we propose in this work a tool-based approach called HookRanker, which provides ranked lists of potentially malicious packages based on the way malware behaviour code is triggered. With experiments on a ground truth set of piggybacked apps, we are able to automatically locate the malicious packages from piggybacked Android apps with an accuracy of 83.6% in verifying the top five reported items.

City or Country
Buenos Aires, Argentina;
Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International
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Citation Information
Li LI, Daoyuan LI, Tegawende BISSYANDE, Jacques KLEIN, et al.. "Automatically locating malicious packages in piggybacked Android apps" Proceedings - 2017 IEEE/ACM: 4th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017 May 22-23 (2017)
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