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Interpreting Shadows: Arms Control and Defense Planning in a Rapidly Changing Multi-Polar World
  • David R King, United States Air Force Academy

Cold War thinking continues to guide United States' policy in the Post-Cold War environment. Continuing to pursue policies forged during the Cold War will not be adequate to address proliferation for two reasons. First, Cold War policies do not reflect changes in the world in respect to other major or regional powers. Second, current policies overlook potential long-term counterproductive consequences. Adopting an overarching national policy on arms control will require understanding different world views of the United States, other major powers, and regional powers.

Publication Date
June, 1999
Institute for National Security Studies, U.S. Air Force Academy
Arms Control Series
Publisher Statement
Works produced by employees of the U.S. Government as part of their official duties are not copyrighted within the U.S. The content of this document is not copyrighted.
Citation Information
David R King. Interpreting Shadows: Arms Control and Defense Planning in a Rapidly Changing Multi-Polar World. USAF Academy, COVol. INSS Occasional Paper 26 (1999)
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