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Adapting to Climate Change Through Tile Drainage: A Structural Ricardian Analysis
Economics Presentations, Posters and Proceedings
  • Kevin Meyer, Iowa State University
  • David A. Keiser, Iowa State University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Version
Published Version
Publication Date
Conference Title
2016 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting
Conference Date
July 31-August 2, 2016
(42.3600825, -71.05888010000001)

This paper provides the first estimates of the effects of climate change on agriculture while explicitly modeling tile drainage. We show in a simple conceptual model that the value of precipitation should differ between drained and non-drained land, implying that pooling these lands could bias estimates of the effects of climate change on land values. We test this hypothesis by estimating a Structural Ricardian model for U.S. counties east of the 100th meridian. Consistent with our theoretical model, our estimates show that the value of precipitation is higher on non-drained lands.


This is a Selected Paper for presentation at the 2016 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, July 31-August 2.

Copyright 2016 by Meyer and Keiser. All rights reserved. Readers may make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided this copyright notice appears on all such copies.
Copyright Owner
Meyer and Keiser
File Format
Citation Information
Kevin Meyer and David A. Keiser. "Adapting to Climate Change Through Tile Drainage: A Structural Ricardian Analysis" Boston, MA, United States(2016)
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