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Water-based Recreation and Water Quality Indices: A Revealed Preference Approach
Economics Presentations, Posters and Proceedings
  • Yongjie Ji, Iowa State University
  • David A. Keiser, Iowa State University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Conference Title
2016 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting
Conference Date
July 31-August 2, 2016
(42.3600825, -71.05888010000001)

Benefit estimates of water pollution control policies rely heavily on water quality indices. Since the 1970s, these measures of water quality have been used extensively in stated preference surveys to estimate willingness to pay for water quality that is suitable for recreational use. However, there is little empirical evidence of how well these indices correspond to observed recreational behavior. This paper utilizes a unique micro-dataset of individual household recreational use and water quality in a revealed preference framework to explore how well several major water quality indices explain water-based recreational use.


This is a Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the 2016 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, July 31 - August 2.

Copyright 2016 by Yongjie Ji and David A. Keiser. All rights reserved. Readers may make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such copies.
Copyright Owner
Yongjie Ji and David A. Keiser
File Format
Citation Information
Yongjie Ji and David A. Keiser. "Water-based Recreation and Water Quality Indices: A Revealed Preference Approach" Boston, MA, United States(2016)
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