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Modeling the interrelating effects of plastic deformation and stress on magnetic properties of materials
Journal of Applied Physics
  • Chester C.H. Lo, Iowa State University
  • E. R. Kinser, Iowa State University
  • David C. Jiles, Iowa State University
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A model has been developed that describes the interrelating effects of plastic deformation and applied stress on hysteresis loops based on the theory of ferromagnetichysteresis. In the current model the strength of pinning sites for domain walls is characterized by the pinning coefficient keff given by keff=k0+k′σ. The term k0 depicts pinning of domain walls by dislocations and is proportional to ρn, where ρ is the number density of dislocation which is related to the amount of plastic strain, and the exponent n depends on the strength of pinning sites. The second term k′σ∝−3/2λs/2mσ, where m is magnetization and λs is magnetostriction constant, describes the changes in pinning strength on a domain wall induced by an applied stress σ. The model was capable of reproducing the stress dependence of hysteresis loop properties such as coercivity and remanence of a series of nickel samples which were pre-strained to various plastic strain levels. An empirical relation was found between the parameter k0 and the plastic strain, which can be interpreted in terms of the effects on the strength of domain wall pinning of changes in dislocation density and substructure under plastic deformation.


The following article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics 93 (2003): 6626 and may be found at,

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American Institute of Physics
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Citation Information
Chester C.H. Lo, E. R. Kinser and David C. Jiles. "Modeling the interrelating effects of plastic deformation and stress on magnetic properties of materials" Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 93 Iss. 10 (2003) p. 6626 - 6628
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