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Effect of anatomical variability in brain on transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment
AIP Advances
  • F. Syeda, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • H. Magsood, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • E. G. Lee, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • A. A. El-Gendy, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • David C. Jiles, Iowa State University
  • R. L. Hadimani, Virginia Commonwealth University
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Publication Version
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Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a non-invasive clinical therapy used to treat depression and migraine, and shows further promise as treatment for Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and other neurological disorders. However, it is yet unclear as to how anatomical differences may affect stimulation from this treatment. We use finite element analysis to model and analyze the results of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in various head models.A number of heterogeneous head models have been developed using MRI data of real patients, including healthy individuals as well as patients of Parkinson’s disease. Simulations of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation performed on 22 anatomically different models highlight the differences in induced stimulation. A standard Figure of 8 coil is used with frequency 2.5 kHz, placed 5 mm above the head. We compare cortical stimulation, volume of brain tissue stimulated, specificity, and maximum E-field induced in the brain for models ranging from ages 20 to 60. Results show that stimulation varies drastically between patients of the same age and health status depending upon brain-scalp distance, which is not necessarily a linear progression with age.


This article is published as Syeda, Farheen, Hamzah Magsood, E. G. Lee, A. A. El-Gendy, D. C. Jiles, and R. L. Hadimani. "Effect of anatomical variability in brain on transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment." AIP Advances 7, no. 5 (2017): 056711. DOI: 10.1063/1.4974981. Posted with permission.

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Citation Information
F. Syeda, H. Magsood, E. G. Lee, A. A. El-Gendy, et al.. "Effect of anatomical variability in brain on transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment" AIP Advances Vol. 7 Iss. 5 (2017) p. 056711
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