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Life in thetimes of Whypox—A virtual epidemic as a community event
3rdInternational Conference on Communities and Technology
  • Y. B. Kafai
  • David F. Feldon, Utah State University
  • D. Fields
  • M. Giang
  • M. Quintero
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In the past ten years, multiplayer games have increased in popularity with now millions of players spending dozens of hours or more online each week. Researchers have documented many aspects of the activities and motivations of players highlighting how players in these communities are defined by a common set of endeavors and social practices. Gee (2003) called game communities for this reason ‘affinity’ groups. Often particular practices such as avatar selling and adena farming or events such as warrior revolts and virtual elections are used to illustrate issues with community norms (Steinkuehler, 2006), ownership and freedom of expression (Taylor, 2002; 2005) in virtual worlds. With few exceptions (Cassell, Huffaker, Tversky, & Ferriman, 2006), most of these practices and events have been emergent phenomena.

Citation Information
Kafai, Y. B., Feldon, D. F., Fields, D., Giang, M., & Quintero, M. (2007). Life in the times of Whypox—A virtual epidemic as a community event. Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Communities and Technology. East Lansing, MI: June, 2007.