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Creating Online Brand Value through Online Discussion Site
Journal of Business and Educational Leadership (2011)
  • David Czerwinski, San Jose State University
  • M Merz, San Jose State University
  • U Herbst

This paper discusses the implications of the new evolving Service-Dominant (S-D) logic in marketing on brand value creation. Furthermore, it introduces the concept of online brand value and examines whether online discussion sites constitute a means for firms to co-create, together with a firm's customers, online brand value. Moreover, a conceptual framework of online discussion sites is proposed. Finally, the results of an exploratory empirical analysis of two discussion sites are presented. The findings provide initial support for the hypothesis that online discussion sites can be used to create online brand value. Moreover, the findings suggest that firm-generated discussion sites are better suited for online brand value co-creation activities than third-party generated discussion sites.

Publication Date
Publisher Statement
Copyright © 2011 American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences.
Citation Information
David Czerwinski, M Merz and U Herbst. "Creating Online Brand Value through Online Discussion Site" Journal of Business and Educational Leadership Vol. 3 Iss. 1 (2011)
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