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Honey Mesquite Decline and Recovery..pdf
Coachella Valley Conservation Commission (2023)
  • David A Bainbridge
Honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) is in decline across the west. The causes are known, but the extent of damage is not. Groundwater pumping is the primary culprit. In th Borrego Valley mesquite dieback has followed unsustainable use of groundater. Recovery requires understanding and the use of lessons already known about container production and outplanting. Mesquite mounds (nebka) are particularly valuable and a project with some success is shown.
  • Mesquite,
  • groundwater,
  • decline,
  • ecological restoration,
  • tap root,
  • flood events
Publication Date
Winter December 14, 2023
Palm Desert, California
Citation Information
Bainbridge, D. A. 2023. Honey mesquite decline and recovery. Presentation. 45 pages.
Creative Commons License
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