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Tenacity: Remarkable People of the Fur War
  • David A Bainbridge
This second volume about the Fur War in the West, 1765-1840 reveals the remarkable people of the Fur War. The heroes, scoundrels, survivors, oligarchs, observers and psychopaths were far removed from the seats of power and often had to make decisions on their own. Learn how they shaped history and how minor changes could have led to very different outcomes for ownership of the West Coast -- from Baja California to the Bering Sea.
  • History,
  • fur trade,
  • western North America,
  • heroes,
  • psychopaths,
  • scoundrels,
  • observers
Publication Date
January, 2021
Rio Redondo Press
978-1-7351492-6-4 (Paperback) I978-1-7351492-5-7 (eBook)
Citation Information
Bainbridge, David A. 2021. Tenacity: Remarkable People of the Fur War. Heroes, scoundrels, survivors, oligarchs, observers and psychopaths. Rio Redonod Pres, San Diego, CA
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