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2018 Fire mgmt SW 2018 RN v3n1 pdf.pdf
Restoration Notes (2018)
  • David A Bainbridge
Fire management by the First Nations reduced fire risk throughout the SouthWest. It also improved production of desired foods and materials for weaving and making useful items. Burning could take place in Fall, Spring, Summer or Winter depending on the goals of the people setting the fires. Ecologists, botanists, and historians often negelect these practices, leading to flawed analysis and policy development. First Nations should be invited to participate in land management decisions.
  • Fire management,
  • Fire risk,
  • First Nations,
  • Traditional agriculture
Publication Date
Fall 2018
Citation Information
David A Bainbridge. "2018 Fire mgmt SW 2018 RN v3n1 pdf.pdf" Restoration Notes Vol. 3 Iss. 1 (2018)
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