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About David Warren

Dr. David Warren is a pediatric emergency care specialist at the Children's Hospital (LHSC) and an associate professor in the Department of Paediatrics at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University.

Asset Map Keywords: Child Protection, Trauma and Child Abuse --> (see more)
Children's Health Collaborators: Michael Rieder, Rodrick Lim, and Jamie Seabrook

Dr. Warren completed his B.Sc. at Western University in 1978 and his M.D. at UWO in 1982. He completed Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine training in 1985 and attended as a general emergency physician in London and Strathroy. He subsequently returned to paediatrics residency as chief resident in 1989 and paediatrics emergency fellow in 1990. He has done additional M. Ed. educational and child abuse training.

Dr. Warren is currently at the career rank of Associate Professor. He is a consultant in Paediatric Emergency medicine at Children’s, LHSC. He is also a consultant and Medical Director for the Child Protection Service at LHSC. He has served as UWO Medical Evaluation Chair, Paediatric Trauma Director, Paediatric Emergency Fellowship Director.

His national interests have been in the formation of Paediatric Emergency as a RCPSC subspecialty, creation of the Child Maltreatment section of the CPS, and paediatric lead of the national working group for emergency medicine triage CTAS.

Dr. Warren has been invited to speak at many conference on child abuse, triage, emergency medicine, trauma and violence to children. He is a consultant to the regional Children's Aid Societies, CAEP, CPS emergency sections, Child Maltreatment CPS sections, police departments and crown attorneys.

Research Interest Area: Children's health
Research Overview: Paediatric trauma; Child abuse; Paediatric emergency care


Present Associate Professor, Western University Department of Paediatrics
Present Pediatric Emergency Care Specialist, London Health Sciences Centre ‐ Children's Hospital


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