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Providing Relationship Education Through Experiential Date Nights: Comparing Urban vs. Rural Outcomes
The Journal of the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Naomi Brower, Utah State University
  • Elizabeth Davis, Utah State University
  • David Schramm, Utah State University
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Offering experience-focused date nights has increased attendance in relationship education for couples in both urban and rural communities. Date nights consisted of relationship education based on activities that appealed to both men and women. Outcomes from 24 date nights (N = 367) offered in two western communities (one urban, one rural), indicate date night activities significantly improved knowledge of relationship skills. Evaluations demonstrated both men and women found the activities to be valuable. This article provides descriptive information for other Extension professionals wishing to design and evaluate experiential relationship education in both urban and rural settings.

Citation Information
Brower, N., Davis, E., & Schramm, D. G. (2018). Providing relationship education through experiential date nights: Comparing urban vs. rural outcomes. Journal of the National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences. [On-line], 13, 126-140. Available at