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Contribution to Book
An Exit Survey Project for a Social Psychology Laboratory
Teaching of Psychology (2000)
  • David N. Sattler, Western Washington University
  • Sudie Back
  • Harriet Pollitt
A Laboratory in Social Psychology course project allowed students to design and conduct an exit survey of graduating psychology majors. During the 6-week project, survey research issues were illustrated by active-learning activities. Nine months later, students indicated that the exercise enhanced their critical-thinking skills, understanding of survey research, and interest in and enthusiasm for research. Another benefit was that the student exit survey assisted the faculty in generating questions for a departmental exit survey.
  • Social Psychology,
  • Exit surveys
Publication Date
D. Johnson and M. E. Ware
Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates
Publisher Statement
This chapter is a reprint of an article in the journal Teaching of Psychology, Vol. 22, Issue 4, 1995.
Citation Information
David N. Sattler, Sudie Back and Harriet Pollitt. "An Exit Survey Project for a Social Psychology Laboratory" Mahwah, NJTeaching of Psychology (2000) p. 172 - 174
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