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Higher Education Challenges for Migrant and Refugee Students in a Global World
  • Dr. Khalid Arar, Ph.D., College for Academic Studies and Kibbutzim College
  • Dr. Kussai Haj-Yehia, Ph.D., The Beit Berl Academic College
  • Dr. David B. Ross, Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University
  • Dr. Yasar Kondakci, Ph.D., Middle East Technical University
Higher education challenges for migrant and refugee students in a global world informs readers of theory, policy and practice of refugee and migrant equitable access to higher education, especially indicating how policy makers, educational leaders, and practitioners can support refugees, asylum seekers, and other migrants' inclusion in higher education institutions in the global world. The chapters composing each section of this book constitute a compilation of research addressing experience relating to the overwhelming flow of refugee and asylum seekers in various higher education systems. There are 41 contributors located in 12 countries (Austria, Canada, Czechia, Germany, Holland, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Palestine, Turkey, and the United States) who deal with the topics of refugees and immigrants in higher education in different world regions, including Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and North America.
Publication Date
Khalid Arar, Kussai Haj-Yehia, David B. Ross, and Yasar Kondakci
Peter Lang
Equity in Higher Education Theory, Policy, and Praxis
Citation Information
Khalid Arar, Kussai Haj-Yehia, David B. Ross and Yasar Kondakci. Higher Education Challenges for Migrant and Refugee Students in a Global World. New YorkVol. 11 (2019) p. i - 377
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