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Antiracist Academic Leadership: Confronting Whiteness
Academic Chairpersons Conference Proceedings
  • David S Owen, University of Louisville
Presentation Themes
Leadership and Management
Presentation Type
Best Practice Presentation (45 minute presentation about a specific best practice)

What obligations do academic leaders have to address the ways whiteness impacts departmental and campus climates? And what are some strategies chairpersons can take to mitigate the ways whiteness creates inequitable conditions for students, faculty, and staff success? Participants in this session will have an opportunity to discuss these and other questions and explore the requirements of academic leadership that is avowedly antiracist.

  • leadership; whiteness; privilege; oppression; racism
Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
Citation Information
David S Owen. "Antiracist Academic Leadership: Confronting Whiteness"
Available at: