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Journal Searching
  • David R Mayhew
This file ends with a long list of academic journals, but here is a preface and an explanation.  Since the mid-1980s I have pursued a special program as an aid to writing, teaching, and thinking.  It has entailed searching journals—lots of kinds of journals, year after year, not ordinarily with any particular writing project in mind but with an eye for potential intellectual utility.  For me, the payoff has been immense.  I have been able to scan and dwell outside the customary precincts of political science as it addresses American politics.  I started doing this as an aid to, yes, a particular writing project, Placing Parties in American Politics (1986), but the practice metastasized beyond that project and has kept up.  Several of my books since 1986 have relied heavily on the practice—although serendipitously in the sense that the various reading has often infused, surprisingly, into the vitals of a journal or book project.      
As search technology has evolved, I have evolved with it into three successive enterprises.      
  • David Mayhew,
  • Political Science
Publication Date
June, 2022
Citation Information
David R Mayhew. "Journal Searching" (2022)
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