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Inhumanities: Nazi Interpretations of Western Culture
  • David B. Dennis, Loyola University Chicago
This book analyzes how the primary propaganda outlet of the Nazi party presented the History of Western art, literature, music, and thought according to the National Socialist worldview. It is a study of every major article the main newspaper of Hitler’s movement—The Völkischer Beobachter (Folkish Observer)—published about leading writers, composers, artists, and their works, including Germans like Luther, Dürer, Mozart, Schiller, Goethe, Beethoven, Schopenhauer, Wagner, and Nietzsche, non-Germans such as Socrates, Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Byron, Rimbaud, Picasso, and Stravinsky, and minor figures they preferred over “enemies” such as Heinrich Heine and Thomas Mann. My extensive archival research demonstrates how Nazi Germany attempted to appropriate not only the Germany of “Poets and Thinkers,” but History of Western Humanities from Ancient Greece through the Second World War. Nazi leaders viewed their movement as the culmination of Western Civilization, and this book leads readers through their cultural self-justification. Indeed, it is the first comprehensive survey of the terms National Socialist propagandists used to discuss the great names of European culture.

Among others Nazi Interpretations of these individuals and their works are covered:
Franz Adam,
Emma Adler,
Victor Adler,
Alexander the Great,
Dante Alighieri,
Alighieri Dante and politics,
All Quiet on the Western Front,
All Quiet on the Western Front film,
Albrecht Altdorfer,
Albrecht Altdorfer and 'Volkishness' ,
Albrecht Altdorfer and anti-Semitism ,
Max Amann,
Thomas Aquinas,
Ernst Moritz Arndt,
Bettina von Arnim,
Ludwig von Arnim,
Saul Ascher,
Johann Sebastian Bach,
Bach and 'Germanness',
Bach and 'Volkishness',
Bach and politics,
Bach and the Third Reich,
Bach in Weimar era,
Bach in wartime,
Hermann Bahr,
Henri Barbusse,
Bela Bartok,
Wolf von Baudissin,
Bayreuth festival,
Johann van Beethoven,
Johanna van Beethoven,
Ludwig van Beethoven,
Weimar-era reception of Beethoven,
Beethoven and 'Germanness',
Beethoven and politics,
Beethoven and the French Revolution,
Beethoven and the Third Reich,
Beethoven and war,
Walter Benjamin,
Richard Benz,
Otto von Bismarck,
Georges Bizet,
Bjoernstjerne Bjoernson,
Leo Blech,
Napoleon Bonaparte,
Johanna Brahms,
Johannes Brahms,
Brahms and 'Germanness',
Brahms and 'Volkishness',
Brahms and Wagner,
Brahms and anti-Semitism,
Brahms and politics,
Brahms and religion,
Berthold Brecht,
Arno Breker,
Clemens Brentano,
Max Brod,
Anton Bruckner,
Jacob Burckhardt,
Hans Burgkmair,
George Gordon Byron,
George Gordon Byron and anti-Semitism,
George Gordon Byron and politics,
Arnold Böcklin,
Jakob Böhme,
Ludwig Börne,
Augustus Caesar,
History of Carthage,
Houston Stewart Chamberlain,
Houston Stewart Chamberlain and anti-Semitism,
Houston Stewart Chamberlain as volkish leader,
Houston Stewart Chamberlain on Goethe,
Houston Stewart Chamberlain on Heine,
Adelbert von Chamisso,
Charles III,
Nicolaus Copernicus,
Lovis Corinth,
Gustave Courbet,
Lukas Cranach,
Oliver Cromwell,
Gabriele D'Annunzio,
Charles G. Dawes,
Claude Debussy,
René Descartes,
Charles Dickens,
Heinz Drewes,
Alfred Döblin,
Albrecht Dürer,
Albrecht Dürer and 'Volkishness',
Albrecht Dürer and classicism,
Albrecht Dürer and politics,
Albrecht Dürer and war,
Dietrich Eckart,
Johann Peter Eckermann,
Joseph von Eichendorff,
August Eigruber,
Albert Einstein,
Kurt Eisner,
Otto Falckenberg,
Heinrich August Hoffmann von Fallersleben,
Anselm Feuerbach,
Johann Gottlieb Fichte,
Walter Flex,
Henry Ford,
Robert Franz,
Gustav Freytag,
Wilhelm Frick,
Ernst Friedrich,
Friedrich II,
Friedrich Wilhelm III,
Friedrich Wilhelm IV,
Theodore Fritsch,
Bernhard Förster,
Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche,
Alberto Gasco,
Emanuel von Geibel,
Lloyd George,
Stefan George,
Hellmut von Gerlach,
Fritz Geyer,
Ludwig Geyer,
Christoph Willibald Gluck,
Ernst Gläser,
Arthur de Gobineau,
Joseph Goebbels,
Goebbels on 'Volkishness',
Goebbels on 'steel' Romanticism,
Goebbels on All Quiet on the Western Front,
Goebbels on Beethoven,
Goebbels on Mozart,
Goebbels on Richard Strauss,
Goebbels on Wagner,
Goebbels on art as political,
Goebbels on cultural renaissance,
Goebbels on culture in wartime,
Goebbels on romantic music,
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
Goethe Faust,
Goethe Weimar-era reception of,
Goethe and 'Germanness',
Goethe and Romanticism,
Goethe and anti-Semitism,
Goethe and classicism,
Goethe and politics,
Goethe and the French Revolution,
Goethe and the Third Reich,
Goethe and war,
Francisco Goya,
Paul Graener,
Edvard Grieg,
Franz Grillparzer,
Franz Grillparzer and anti-Semitism,
Franz Grillparzer and politics,
Wilhelm Karl Grimm,
George Grosz,
Matthias Grünewald,
Matthias Grünewald and war,
Hermann Göring,
Knut Hamsun,
Eduard Hanslick,
Maximilian Harden,
Gerhart Hauptmann,
Gustav Havemann,
Joseph Haydn,
Friedrich Hebbel,
Johann Peter Hebel,
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,
Heinrich Heine,
Heinrich Heine as Jewish enemy,
Heinrich Heine monuments honoring,
Johann Gottfried Herder,
Theodor Herzl,
Heinrich Himmler,
Paul Hindemith,
Paul von Hindenburg,
Emil Hipp,
Adolf Hitler,
Hitler on 'Germanness' and creativity,
Hitler on 'Volkishness',
Hitler on First World War experience,
Hitler on Wagner,
Hitler on anti-Semitism,
Hitler on art as political,
Hitler on classicism,
Hitler on cultural politics,
Hitler on cultural renaissance,
Hitler on ideal of Kultur,
Hitler on modernism,
Hitler on propaganda methods,
Julius Hitzig,
E. T. A. Hoffmann,
Hugo von Hofmannsthal,
Hans Holbein,
Wilhelm von Humboldt,
Engelbert Humperdinck,
Georg Friedrich Händel,
Georg Friedrich Händel and 'Germanness',
Georg Friedrich Händel and 'Volkishness',
Georg Friedrich Händel and politics,
Georg Friedrich Händel and the Third Reich,
Georg Friedrich Händel and war,
Friedrich Hölderlin,
Friedrich Hölderlin and classicism,
Henrik Ibsen,
Leos Janacek,
Joseph Joachim,
Joan of Arc,
Hanns Johst,
Jonny spielt auf,
Joseph II,
Ernst Jünger,
Georg Kaiser,
Wassily Kandinsky,
Immanuel Kant,
Hugo Kehrer,
Johannes Kepler,
Alfred Kerr,
Leo Kestenberg,
Soren Kierkegaard,
Erich Kleiber,
Heinrich von Kleist,
Heinrich von Kleist and classicism,
Heinrich von Kleist and war,
Otto Klemperer,
Max Klinger,
Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock,
Friedrich August Klöber,
Erich Koch-Weser,
Oskar Kokoschka,
Erich Wolfgang Korngold,
Graf A. E. von Kozmian,
Clemens Krauss,
Ernst Krenek,
Werner Kulz,
Theodor Körner,
Carl Laemmle,
Paul de Lagarde,
Julius Langbehn,
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,
Nikolaus Lenau,
Franz von Lenbach,
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin,
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing,
Robert Ley,
Max Liebermann,
Charles Lindbergh,
Adam Liszt,
Anna Liszt,
Franz Liszt,
Liszt Franz and 'Germanness',
Graf Heinrich von Loeben,
Albert Lortzing,
Heinrich Luden,
Erich Ludendorff,
Hellmut Ludwig,
Ludwig I,
Ludwig II,
Martin Luther,
Luther Martin and anti-Semitism,
Luther Martin and politics,
Luther Martin and the Third Reich,
Machiavelli Niccolo,
Gustav Mahler,
Heinrich Mann,
Julia Mann,
Klaus Mann,
Thomas Mann,
Ernst Marcus,
Christopher Marlowe,
Karl Marx,
Wilhelm Marx,
Maximilian I,
Karl May,
Friedrich Meinecke,
Eckhart Meister,
Felix Mendelssohn,
Moses Mendelssohn,
Adolph Menzel,
Klemens von Metternich,
Giacomo Meyerbeer,
Michelangelo as Nordic,
Darius Milhaud,
Walter von Molo,
Anna Maria Mozart,
Leopold Mozart,
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,
Mozart and 'Germanness',
Mozart and 'Volkishness',
Mozart and Romanticism,
Mozart and politics,
Mozart and the Third Reich,
Mozart and war,
Edvard Munch,
Benito Mussolini,
Modest Mussorgsky,
Eduard Mörike,
Friedrich von Müller,
Wilhelm Müller,
Nazi ideology and 'Volkishness',
Nazi ideology and 'steel' Romanticism,
Nazi ideology and Weimar culture and politics,
Nazi ideology and anti-Semitism,
Nazi ideology and classicism,
Nazi ideology and cultural renaissance,
Nazi ideology and culture as political,
Nazi ideology and culture in wartime,
Nazi ideology and gender,
Nazi ideology and music,
Nazi ideology and the Enlightenment,
Nazi ideology and the First World War,
Nazi ideology and the French Revolution,
Nazi ideology and volkish leaders,
Nazi ideology anti-French Revolution,
Nazi ideology anti-modernism,
Nazi ideology on 'Germanness' and creativity,
Nazi ideology on ideal of Kultur,
Isaac Newton,
Georg Nicolai,
Friedrich Nietzsche,
Nietzsche and 'Germanness',
Nietzsche and Wagner,
Nietzsche and anti-Semitism,
Nietzsche and classicism,
Nietzsche and politics,
Nietzsche and religion,
Nietzsche and war,
Rikard Nordraak,
Carl Orff,
Luca Orsini-Baroni,
Thomas Paine,
Giovanni Palestrina,
M. Paradopoulos,
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi,
Hans Pfitzner,
Pablo Picasso,
Wilhelm Pinder,
Giacomo Puccini,
Wilhelm Raabe,
Leopold Radoux,
Maurice Ravel,
Max Reger,
Max Reinhardt,
Erich Maria Remarque,
Rembrandt and 'Germanness',
Rembrandt and war,
Ludwig Renn,
Joachim von Ribbentrop,
Jean Paul Richter,
Leni Riefenstahl,
Rainer Maria Rilke,
Arthur Rimbaud,
Maximilien Robespierre,
Franklin Roosevelt,
Alfred Rosenberg,
Alfred Rosenberg on Beethoven,
Alfred Rosenberg on Eckart,
Alfred Rosenberg on Goethe,
Alfred Rosenberg on Heine,
Alfred Rosenberg on Krenek,
Alfred Rosenberg on Leonardo,
Alfred Rosenberg on Luther,
Alfred Rosenberg on Michelangelo,
Alfred Rosenberg on Nietzsche,
Alfred Rosenberg on Richard Strauss,
Alfred Rosenberg on volkish leaders,
Jean-Jacques Rousseau,
Philipp Otto Runge,
Paul Rée,
Friedrich Rückert,
Camille Saint-Saëns,
Moritz Saphir,
Franz Schauwecker,
Gustav Scheel,
Franz Wolfram Scherer,
Friedrich Schiller,
Schiller Weimar-era reception of,
Schiller and 'Volkishness',
Schiller and politics,
Schiller and the French Revolution,
Schiller and the Third Reich,
Schiller and war,
Max von Schillings,
Anton Schindler,
August Wilhelm Schlegel,
Friedrich Schleiermacher,
Andreas Schlüter,
Arthur Schnitzler,
Arnold Schoenberg,
Arthur Schopenhauer,
Schopenhauer and anti-Semitism,
Schopenhauer and politics,
Schopenhauer and war,
Franz Schreker,
Franz Schubert,
Robert Schumann,
Georg von Schönerer,
Georg Schünemann,
Heinrich Schütz,
Scipio the Younger,
William Shakespeare,
Shakespeare and anti-Semitism,
Shakespeare and politics,
Shakespeare as Nordic,
Jean Sibelius,
Emmanuel Joseph Sièyes,
Fritz Skowronnek,
Max Slevogt,
Bedrich Smetana,
Albert Speer,
Oswald Spengler,
Baruch Spinoza,
Joseph Stalin,
Charlotte von Stein,
Heinrich von Stein,
Theodor Storm,
Johann Strauss Jr.,
Johann Strauss Sr.,
Richard Strauss,
Igor Stravinsky,
Adolf Stöcker,
The Threepenny Opera,
Hans Thoma,
Ludwig Thoma,
Dorothea Tieck,
Ludwig Tieck,
Ernst Toller,
Leo Tolstoy,
Theodor Trebe,
Heinrich von Treitschke,
Sigrid Undset,
Emile Vanderwelde,
Jacob Venedey,
Giuseppe Verdi,
Walther von der Vogelweide,
Walther Vogelweide von der and politics,
Völkischer Beobachter Cultural-political functions of,
Völkischer Beobachter History of,
Völkischer Beobachter Staff and contributors,
Cosima Wagner,
Richard Wagner,
Wagner and 'Germanness',
Wagner and 'Volkishness',
Wagner and anti-Semitism,
Wagner and politics,
Wagner and the Third Reich,
Wagner and war,
Wagner on Bach,
Wagner on Beethoven,
Wagner on Heine,
Wagner on Mozart,
Wagner reception of operas,
Wagner stature in Nazi culture,
Siegfried Wagner,
Winifred Wagner,
George Washington,
Carl Maria von Weber,
Franz Wedekind,
Kurt Weill,
Otto Weininger,
Karl Friedrich Weiss,
Franz Werfel,
Oscar Wilde,
Wilhelm I,
Wilhelm II,
J. J. Winckelmann,
Hugo Wolf,
Ermanno Wolf-Farrari 
Ludwig Woltmann,
Hans von Wolzogen,
Carl Friedrich Zelter,
Emile Zola,
Carl Zuckmayer,
Stefan Zweig,
Lorenzo da Ponte,
Leonardo da Vinci,
Leonardo da Vinci as Nordic,
Moeller van den Bruck,
Georg von der Vring

  • Nazi Interpretations of Abraham,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Franz Adam,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Emma Adler,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Victor Adler,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Alexander the Great,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Dante Alighieri,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Alighieri Dante and politics,
  • Nazi Interpretations of All Quiet on the Western Front,
  • Nazi Interpretations of All Quiet on the Western Front film,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Albrecht Altdorfer,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Albrecht Altdorfer and 'Volkishness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Albrecht Altdorfer and anti-Semitism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Max Amann,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Thomas Aquinas,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Ernst Moritz Arndt,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Bettina von Arnim,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Ludwig von Arnim,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Saul Ascher,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Johann Sebastian Bach,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Bach and 'Germanness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Bach and 'Volkishness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Bach and politics,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Bach and the Third Reich,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Bach in Weimar era,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Bach in wartime,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hermann Bahr,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Henri Barbusse,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Bela Bartok,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wolf von Baudissin,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Bauhaus,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Bayreuth festival,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Johann van Beethoven,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Johanna van Beethoven,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Ludwig van Beethoven,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Weimar-era reception of Beethoven,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Beethoven and 'Germanness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Beethoven and politics,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Beethoven and the French Revolution,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Beethoven and the Third Reich,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Beethoven and war,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Walter Benjamin,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Richard Benz,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Otto von Bismarck,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Georges Bizet,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Bjoernstjerne Bjoernson,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Leo Blech,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Napoleon Bonaparte,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Johanna Brahms,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Brahms Johannes,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Brahms and 'Germanness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Brahms and 'Volkishness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Brahms and Wagner,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Brahms and anti-Semitism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Brahms and politics,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Brahms and religion,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Berthold Brecht,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Arno Breker,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Clemens Brentano,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Max Brod,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Anton Bruckner,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Jacob Burckhardt,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hans Burgkmair,
  • Nazi Interpretations of George Gordon Byron,
  • Nazi Interpretations of George Gordon Byron and anti-Semitism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of George Gordon Byron and politics,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Arnold Böcklin,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Jakob Böhme,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Ludwig Börne,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Augustus Caesar,
  • Nazi Interpretations of History of Carthage,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Cato,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Houston Stewart Chamberlain,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Houston Stewart Chamberlain and anti-Semitism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Houston Stewart Chamberlain as volkish leader,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Houston Stewart Chamberlain on Goethe,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Houston Stewart Chamberlain on Heine,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Adelbert von Chamisso,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Charles III,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Nicolaus Copernicus,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Lovis Corinth,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Gustave Courbet,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Lukas Cranach,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Oliver Cromwell,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Gabriele D'Annunzio,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Charles G. Dawes,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Claude Debussy,
  • Nazi Interpretations of René Descartes,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Deutschlandlied,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Charles Dickens,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Heinz Drewes,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Alfred Döblin,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Albrecht Dürer,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Albrecht Dürer and 'Volkishness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Albrecht Dürer and classicism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Albrecht Dürer and politics,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Albrecht Dürer and war,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Dietrich Eckart,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Johann Peter Eckermann,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Joseph von Eichendorff,
  • Nazi Interpretations of August Eigruber,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Albert Einstein,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Kurt Eisner,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Expressionism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Otto Falckenberg,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Heinrich August Hoffmann von Fallersleben,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Anselm Feuerbach,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Johann Gottlieb Fichte,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Walter Flex,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Henry Ford,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Robert Franz,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Gustav Freytag,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wilhelm Frick,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Ernst Friedrich,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Friedrich II,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Friedrich Wilhelm III,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Friedrich Wilhelm IV,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Theodore Fritsch,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Bernhard Förster,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Galileo,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Alberto Gasco,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Emanuel von Geibel,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Lloyd George,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Stefan George,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hellmut von Gerlach,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Fritz Geyer,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Ludwig Geyer,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Christoph Willibald Gluck,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Ernst Gläser,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Arthur de Gobineau,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Joseph Goebbels,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goebbels on 'Volkishness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goebbels on 'steel' Romanticism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goebbels on All Quiet on the Western Front,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goebbels on Beethoven,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goebbels on Mozart,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goebbels on Richard Strauss,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goebbels on Wagner,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goebbels on art as political,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goebbels on cultural renaissance,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goebbels on culture in wartime,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goebbels on romantic music,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goethe Faust,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goethe Weimar-era reception of,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goethe and 'Germanness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goethe and Romanticism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goethe and anti-Semitism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goethe and classicism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goethe and politics,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goethe and the French Revolution,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goethe and the Third Reich,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Goethe and war,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Francisco Goya,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Paul Graener,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Edvard Grieg,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Franz Grillparzer,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Franz Grillparzer and anti-Semitism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Franz Grillparzer and politics,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wilhelm Karl Grimm,
  • Nazi Interpretations of George Grosz,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Matthias Grünewald,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Matthias Grünewald and war,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hermann Göring,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Knut Hamsun,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hannibal,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Eduard Hanslick,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Maximilian Harden,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Gerhart Hauptmann,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Gustav Havemann,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Joseph Haydn,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Friedrich Hebbel,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Johann Peter Hebel,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Heinrich Heine,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Heinrich Heine as Jewish enemy,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Heinrich Heine monuments honoring,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Johann Gottfried Herder,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Theodor Herzl,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Heinrich Himmler,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Paul Hindemith,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Paul von Hindenburg,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Emil Hipp,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Adolf Hitler,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hitler on 'Germanness' and creativity,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hitler on 'Volkishness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hitler on First World War experience,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hitler on Wagner,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hitler on anti-Semitism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hitler on art as political,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hitler on classicism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hitler on cultural politics,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hitler on cultural renaissance,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hitler on ideal of Kultur,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hitler on modernism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hitler on propaganda methods,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Julius Hitzig,
  • Nazi Interpretations of E. T. A. Hoffmann,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hugo von Hofmannsthal,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hans Holbein,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Homer,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Horace,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wilhelm von Humboldt,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Engelbert Humperdinck,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Georg Friedrich Händel,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Georg Friedrich Händel and 'Germanness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Georg Friedrich Händel and 'Volkishness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Georg Friedrich Händel and politics,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Georg Friedrich Händel and the Third Reich,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Georg Friedrich Händel and war,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Friedrich Hölderlin,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Friedrich Hölderlin and classicism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Henrik Ibsen,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Impressionism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Leos Janacek,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Joseph Joachim,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Joan of Arc,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hanns Johst,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Jonny spielt auf,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Joseph II,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Ernst Jünger,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Georg Kaiser,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wassily Kandinsky,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Immanuel Kant,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hugo Kehrer,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Johannes Kepler,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Alfred Kerr,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Leo Kestenberg,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Soren Kierkegaard,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Erich Kleiber,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Heinrich von Kleist,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Heinrich von Kleist and classicism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Heinrich von Kleist and war,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Otto Klemperer,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Max Klinger,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Friedrich August Klöber,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Erich Koch-Weser,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Oskar Kokoschka,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Erich Wolfgang Korngold,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Graf A. E. von Kozmian,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Clemens Krauss,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Ernst Krenek,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Werner Kulz,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Theodor Körner,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Carl Laemmle,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Paul de Lagarde,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Julius Langbehn,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Nikolaus Lenau,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Franz von Lenbach,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Robert Ley,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Max Liebermann,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Charles Lindbergh,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Adam Liszt,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Anna Liszt,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Franz Liszt,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Liszt Franz and 'Germanness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Livy Nazi Interpretations of Graf Heinrich von Loeben,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Albert Lortzing,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Heinrich Luden,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Erich Ludendorff,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hellmut Ludwig,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Ludwig I,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Ludwig II,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Ludwig,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Martin Luther,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Luther Martin and anti-Semitism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Luther Martin and politics,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Luther Martin and the Third Reich,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Machiavelli Niccolo,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Gustav Mahler,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Heinrich Mann,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Julia Mann,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Klaus Mann,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Thomas Mann,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Ernst Marcus,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Christopher Marlowe,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Martial,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Karl Marx,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wilhelm Marx,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Maximilian I,
  • Nazi Interpretations of May Karl,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Friedrich Meinecke,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Eckhart Meister,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Felix Mendelssohn,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Moses Mendelssohn,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Adolph Menzel,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Klemens von Metternich,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Giacomo Meyerbeer,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Michelangelo,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Michelangelo as Nordic,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Darius Milhaud,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Molière,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Walter von Molo,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Montesquieu,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Anna Maria Mozart,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Leopold Mozart,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Mozart and 'Germanness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Mozart and 'Volkishness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Mozart and Romanticism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Mozart and politics,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Mozart and the Third Reich,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Mozart and war,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Edvard Munch,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Benito Mussolini,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Modest Mussorgsky,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Eduard Mörike,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Friedrich von Müller,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wilhelm Müller,
  • Nazi ideology and 'Volkishness',
  • Nazi ideology and 'steel' Romanticism,
  • Nazi ideology and Weimar culture and politics,
  • Nazi ideology and anti-Semitism,
  • Nazi ideology and classicism,
  • Nazi ideology and cultural renaissance,
  • Nazi ideology and culture as political,
  • Nazi ideology and culture in wartime,
  • Nazi ideology and gender,
  • Nazi ideology and music,
  • Nazi ideology and the Enlightenment,
  • Nazi ideology and the First World War,
  • Nazi ideology and the French Revolution,
  • Nazi ideology and volkish leaders,
  • Nazi ideology anti-French Revolution,
  • Nazi ideology anti-modernism,
  • Nazi ideology on 'Germanness' and creativity,
  • Nazi ideology on ideal of Kultur,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Isaac Newton,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Georg Nicolai,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Friedrich Nietzsche,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Nietzsche and 'Germanness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Nietzsche and Wagner,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Nietzsche and anti-Semitism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Nietzsche and classicism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Nietzsche and politics,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Nietzsche and religion,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Nietzsche and war,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Rikard Nordraak,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Carl Orff,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Luca Orsini-Baroni,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Thomas Paine,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Giovanni Palestrina,
  • Nazi Interpretations of M. Paradopoulos,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Petronius,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hans Pfitzner,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Pablo Picasso,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wilhelm Pinder,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Plautus,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Giacomo Puccini,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wilhelm Raabe,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Leopold Radoux,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Raphael,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Maurice Ravel,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Realism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Max Reger,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Max Reinhardt,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Erich Maria Remarque,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Rembrandt,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Rembrandt and 'Germanness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Rembrandt and war,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Ludwig Renn,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Joachim von Ribbentrop,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Jean Paul Richter,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Leni Riefenstahl,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Rainer Maria Rilke,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Arthur Rimbaud,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Maximilien Robespierre,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Franklin Roosevelt,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Alfred Rosenberg,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Alfred Rosenberg on Beethoven,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Alfred Rosenberg on Eckart,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Alfred Rosenberg on Goethe,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Alfred Rosenberg on Heine,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Alfred Rosenberg on Krenek,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Alfred Rosenberg on Leonardo,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Alfred Rosenberg on Luther,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Alfred Rosenberg on Michelangelo,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Alfred Rosenberg on Nietzsche,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Alfred Rosenberg on Richard Strauss,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Alfred Rosenberg on volkish leaders,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Jean-Jacques Rousseau,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Philipp Otto Runge,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Paul Rée,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Friedrich Rückert,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Camille Saint-Saëns,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Moritz Saphir,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Franz Schauwecker,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Gustav Scheel,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Franz Wolfram Scherer,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Friedrich Schiller,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Schiller Weimar-era reception of,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Schiller and 'Volkishness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Schiller and politics,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Schiller and the French Revolution,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Schiller and the Third Reich,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Schiller and war,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Max von Schillings,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Anton Schindler,
  • Nazi Interpretations of August Wilhelm Schlegel,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Friedrich Schleiermacher,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Andreas Schlüter,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Arthur Schnitzler,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Arnold Schoenberg,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Arthur Schopenhauer,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Schopenhauer and anti-Semitism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Schopenhauer and politics,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Schopenhauer and war,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Franz Schreker,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Franz Schubert,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Robert Schumann,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Georg von Schönerer,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Georg Schünemann,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Heinrich Schütz,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Scipio the Younger,
  • Nazi Interpretations of William Shakespeare,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Shakespeare and anti-Semitism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Shakespeare and politics,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Shakespeare as Nordic,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Jean Sibelius,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Emmanuel Joseph Sièyes,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Fritz Skowronnek,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Max Slevogt,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Bedrich Smetana,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Socrates,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Albert Speer,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Oswald Spengler,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Baruch Spinoza,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Joseph Stalin,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Charlotte von Stein,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Heinrich von Stein,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Theodor Storm,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Johann Strauss Jr.,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Johann Strauss Sr.,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Richard Strauss,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Igor Stravinsky,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Adolf Stöcker,
  • Nazi Interpretations of The Threepenny Opera,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hans Thoma,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Ludwig Thoma,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Dorothea Tieck,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Ludwig Tieck,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Titian,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Ernst Toller,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Leo Tolstoy,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Theodor Trebe,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Heinrich von Treitschke,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Sigrid Undset,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Emile Vanderwelde,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Jacob Venedey,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Giuseppe Verdi,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Virgil,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Walther von der Vogelweide,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Walther Vogelweide von der and politics,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Voltaire,
  • Völkischer Beobachter Cultural-political functions of,
  • Völkischer Beobachter History of,
  • Völkischer Beobachter Staff and contributors,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Cosima Wagner,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Richard Wagner,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wagner and 'Germanness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wagner and 'Volkishness',
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wagner and anti-Semitism,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wagner and politics,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wagner and the Third Reich,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wagner and war,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wagner on Bach,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wagner on Beethoven,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wagner on Heine,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wagner on Mozart,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wagner reception of operas,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wagner stature in Nazi culture,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Siegfried Wagner,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Winifred Wagner,
  • Nazi Interpretations of George Washington,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Carl Maria von Weber,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Franz Wedekind,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Kurt Weill,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Otto Weininger,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Karl Friedrich Weiss,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Franz Werfel,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Oscar Wilde,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wilhelm I,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Wilhelm II,
  • Nazi Interpretations of J. J. Winckelmann,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hugo Wolf,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Ermanno Wolf-Farrari Nazi Interpretations of Ludwig Woltmann,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Hans von Wolzogen,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Carl Friedrich Zelter,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Emile Zola,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Carl Zuckmayer,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Stefan Zweig,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Lorenzo da Ponte,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Leonardo da Vinci,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Leonardo da Vinci as Nordic,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Moeller van den Bruck,
  • Nazi Interpretations of Georg von der Vring
Publication Date
Cambridge University Press
Citation Information
David B. Dennis. Inhumanities: Nazi Interpretations of Western Culture. Cambridge, UK(2012)
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