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The Influence of Partnership on Contraceptive Use Among HIV-Infected Women Accessing Antiretroviral Therapy in Rural Uganda
Contraception (2016)
  • Christina I. Nieves, Harvard University
  • Angela Kaida, Simon Fraser University
  • George R. Seage, III, Harvard University
  • Jerome Kabakyenga, Mbarara University of Science and Technology
  • Winnie Muyindike, Mbarara University of Science and Technology
  • Yap Boum, Mbarara University of Science of Technology
  • Rain A. Mocello, University of California, San Francisco
  • Jeffrey N. Martin, University of California, San Francisco
  • Peter W. Hunt, University of California, San Francisco
  • Jessica E. Haberer, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • David R. Bangsberg, Portland State University
  • Lynn T. Matthews, Massachusetts General Hospital
To determine individual and dyadic factors associated with effective contraceptive use among HIV-infected women accessing antiretroviral therapy (ART) in rural Uganda.

Study Design
HIV-infected women enrolled in the Uganda AIDS Rural Treatment Outcomes cohort completed questionnaires (detailing socio-behavioral characteristics, sexual and reproductive history, contraceptive use, fertility desires), and phlebotomy (October 2011–March 2013). We describe prevalence of effective contraceptive use (i.e., consistent condom use, and/or oral contraceptives, injectable hormonal contraception, intrauterine device, female sterilization) in the previous six months among sexually active, non-pregnant women (18–40 years). We assessed covariates of contraceptive use using multivariable logistic regression.

362 women (median values: age 30 years, CD4 count 397 cells/mm3, 4.0 years since ART initiation) were included. Among 284 sexually active women, 50% did not desire a(nother) child and 51% had a sero-concordant partner. 45% (n=127) reported effective contraceptive use of whom, 57% (n=72) used condoms, 42% (n=53) injectables, 12% (n=15) oral contraceptives, and 11% (n=14) other effective methods. Dual contraception was reported by 6% (n=8). Only ‘partnership fertility desire’ was independently associated with contraceptive use; women who reported neither partner desired a child had significantly increased odds of contraceptive use (aOR: 2.40, 95% CI: 1.07–5.35) compared with women in partnerships where at least one partner desired a child.

Less than half of sexually active HIV-infected women accessing ART used effective contraception, of which 44% (n=56) relied exclusively on male condoms, highlighting a continued need to expand access to a wider range of longer acting female-controlled contraceptive methods. Association with partnership fertility desire underscores the need to include men in reproductive health programming.
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
At the time of publication David Bangsberg was affiliated with the Massachusetts General Hospital.
Citation Information
Nieves CI, Kaida A, Seage GR, Kabakyenga J, Muyindike W, Boum Y, Mocello AR, Martin JN, Hunt PW, Haberer JE, Bangsberg DR, Matthews LT. 2016.The influence of partnership on contraceptive use among HIV-infected women accessing antiretroviral therapy in rural Uganda. Contraception. 92(2):152-9