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Living and working in a numerate world
Vinculum (2021)
  • Dave Tout, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
  • Justine Sakurai
Numeracy surrounds us in our everyday lives. Driving to work requires an understanding of direction, of left and right, quarter and half turns, of distance, time and speed. Planning one's day requires an understanding of time and time intervals. A quick trip to the local supermarket needs a strong grasp of monetary value. In the background there is knowledge of one's bank balance and financial position. Whilst trundling down the aisle, you encounter unit pricing and make comparisons with different products. You select fresh produce by size and weight.
  • Numeracy,
  • Mathematics skills,
  • Mathematical applications,
  • Mathematics teaching
Publication Date
October, 2021
Citation Information
Dave Tout and Justine Sakurai. "Living and working in a numerate world" Vinculum Vol. 58 Iss. 4 (2021) p. 14 - 14-15, 17 ISSN: 0157-759X
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