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Insoluble Condensation Nuclei: The Effect of Contact Angle, Surface Roughness and Adsorption
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
  • Prafulla Chandra Mahata
  • Darryl J. Alofs, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Condensation of water vapor on various surfaces was studied experimentally. For surfaces with an air-water contact angle theta less than 20 degree , the experimentally determined values of critical supersaturation S//c agreed with those given by the Volmer theory. At higher theta , the experimental values of S//c were below the Volmer theory values. When the applied supersaturation was less than S//c, condensation was avoided for periods as long as 20 h. It was determined both by experiment and theoretical analysis that the effect of surface roughness is to decrease S//c only slightly. These results suggest that most insoluble airborne particles are not likely to serve as cloud condensation nuclei.

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Document Type
Article - Journal
Document Version
File Type
© 1975 American Meteorological Society, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Publication Date
01 Jan 1975
Citation Information
Prafulla Chandra Mahata and Darryl J. Alofs. "Insoluble Condensation Nuclei: The Effect of Contact Angle, Surface Roughness and Adsorption" Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences (1975) ISSN: 0022-4928
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