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Essentials for Producer Participation in Biomass Markets When Choices are Correlated
Economics Presentations, Posters and Proceedings
  • Mohammad Mainul Hoque, Iowa State University
  • Georgeanne M. Artz, Iowa State University
  • Bobby J. Martens, Iowa State University
  • Darren H. Jarboe, Iowa State University
Document Type
Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting
Publication Version
Submitted Manuscript
Publication Date
Conference Title
Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting
Conference Date
February 2-5, 2013
(28.5383355, -81.37923649999999)

The Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) mandate under the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 requires that biofuel production reach 36 billion gallons by 2016, with at least 16 billion gallons coming from cellulosic biomass sources. Markets for agricultural biomass are still developing, and as such, much uncertainty remains at all stages of the supply chain. Sustainable production of cellulosic biofuels largely depends on a continuous and consistent supply of biomass, which rests critically farmer interest and participation in biomass production.


This is a presentation from the Southern Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting, Orlando, FL, Feb 2-5, 2013.

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The Authors
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Citation Information
Mohammad Mainul Hoque, Georgeanne M. Artz, Bobby J. Martens and Darren H. Jarboe. "Essentials for Producer Participation in Biomass Markets When Choices are Correlated" Orlando, FL(2013)
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