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Exceptional/Exceptionable Space
Exceptional/Exceptionable Space (2015)
  • Daniel McNeil
  • Roger Connah
  • Lee-Michael Pronko
  • Luisa Ji
  • Thaly Crespin
Contribution to Book
Was it possible to escape those clarion calls to reimagine time and space at the dawn of the twenty-first century? Did we deserve those politicians denouncing the rebels of ‘68 in order to appeal to the man in the street, the soccer mom, the suburban voter, the aspirational figure in low-income housing, and other ghosts in our media-post-industrial-entertainment machine? Did we desire the return of sixties radicals in the guise of distinguished professors and grandparents dispensing sage advice about Cultural Studies in the Future Tense, affects of time in the Visual Arts, and permanent transitions in Curatorial Studies?

This explorative, suggestive and provocative document invites such questions when it asks us to think more deeply about interdisciplinary tokenism that is a euphemism for entrepreneurial academics in a neoliberal age. It asks us to do some fresh thinking about tales of swamping and swarming migrants that are farcically repeated by our political and cultural elites, as if the ghost of Margaret Thatcher looks on, smiling, with a whisky and soda in one hand and a copy of Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations in the other. Above all, however, the interventions in this pamphlet seem haunted by worldliness of intellectuals such as Stuart Hall, and their long war of position against Thatcher’s authoritarian populism.
  • Migration,
  • Diaspora,
  • Stuart Hall,
  • freezones
Publication Date
Vertigo Press
Citation Information
Daniel McNeil, Roger Connah, Lee-Michael Pronko, Luisa Ji, et al.. "Exceptional/Exceptionable Space" OttawaExceptional/Exceptionable Space (2015)
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