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Review of Tim Benton, LC Foto: Le Corbusier Secret Photographer (Lars Müller Publishers, 2013)
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
  • Daniel J. Naegele, Iowa State University
Document Type
Book Review
Publication Version
Published Version
Publication Date

Tim Benton is an extraordinary historian of Le Corbusier. Thirty years ago, he published Villas of Le Corbusier, 1920–1930; in 1987, the prized catalogue to the London centennial exhibition Le Corbusier: Architect of the Century; and, in 2007, Rhetoric of Modernism: Le Corbusier as a Lecturer. In LC Foto: Le Corbusier Secret Photographer, Benton combines his knowledge of the architect with a remarkable understanding of architectural photography to reveal Le Corbusier’s personal activity as a photographer during the only two periods of the architect’s life when he took pictures: 1907–17 and 1936–38.


Published as Naegele, Daniel, "Review of Tim Bneton, LC Foto: Le Corbusier Secret Photographer (Zuric: Lars Muller Publisher, 2013)," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 73 (2014): 426–427, doi:10.1525/jsah.2014.73.3.426.

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Society of Architectural Historians
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Citation Information
Daniel J. Naegele. "Review of Tim Benton, LC Foto: Le Corbusier Secret Photographer (Lars Müller Publishers, 2013)" Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Vol. 73 Iss. 3 (2014) p. 426 - 427
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