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Review of: The Story of Drama: Tragedy, Comedy and Sacrifice from the Greeks to the Present by Gary Day
The Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism (2017)
  • Daniel Larner
Publication Date
January 1, 2017
Publisher Statement
This is both an ambitious and frustrating book. It offers powerful insights into the workings of sacrifice in both tragic and comic modes of drama, and offers a wide set of historical examples of how sacrifice is embedded in both modes. But Day's assertions and conclusions are often vague, and hedged, as we shall see, with explicit limitations. Nonetheless, the book's final chapters bring its insights together, offering the kind of critical depth and potential richness that reward close reading.
Citation Information
Daniel Larner. "Review of: The Story of Drama: Tragedy, Comedy and Sacrifice from the Greeks to the Present by Gary Day" The Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism Vol. 32 Iss. 1 (2017) p. 136 - 138
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