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Contribution to Book
The Lewy Body Variant of Alzheimer Disease Represents Combined Alzheimer Disease and Parkinson Disease Pathology.
Research and Practice in Alzheimer's Disease Volume 2
  • Daniel F Brown, MD, MBA, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • M. Anas Dababo
  • Eileen H Bigio, MD
  • Richard C Risser, MS
  • Charles L White III, MD
Publication/Presentation Date
Document Type
Book Chapter
Citation Information

Brown, D. F., Dabado, M. A., Bigio, E. H., Risser, R. C., White, C. L., (1999). The Lewy Body Variant of Alzheimer Disease Represents Combined Alzheimer Disease and Parkinson Disease Pathology. Research and Practice in Alzheimer's Disease. Vol 2, 225-229.