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Review of "Between Apocalypse and Eschaton: History and Eternity in Henri de Lubac" by Joseph S. Flipper
Catholic Studies Faculty Publications
  • Daniel A. Rober, Sacred Heart University
Document Type
Book Review
Publication Date

The Jesuit Henri de Lubac is almost universally recognized as one of the preeminent twentieth-century theologians, influencing thinkers and ideas in diverse and sometimes opposed schools of thought. For both Catholic and ecumenical theology, his numerous contributions—in Patristic exegesis, the relationship between nature and grace, and ecclesiology—have rightly been hailed as transformative for academy and church alike. The same kind of recognition, however, has not typically been extended to his work on eschatology or politics, particularly in the English-speaking world. This is especially true insofar as de Lubac is frequently read as a Communio thinker whose opposition to political and liberation theologies began after the Second Vatican Council and continued throughout his later works. Joseph Flipper’s important new book seeks to foster broader recognition and conversation about these issues through a deep engagement with de Lubac himself and with the broader thought-world out of and into which the great French Jesuit’s thought emerged.


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Citation Information
Rober, D.A. (2016). Review of "Between Apocalypse and Eschaton: History and Eternity in Henri de Lubac" by Joseph S. Flipper. Journal of Jesuit Studies, 3(3), 559-561. doi:10.1163/22141332-00303008-24