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About Daniel Forciniti

Dr. Daniel Forciniti is a Professor in the department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering and Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs. He received his B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Buenos Aires, a M.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of the South, Argentina and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from North Carolina State University.

Dr. Forciniti's research statement: Peptide and proteins at interfaces: The main focus of our current research efforts in this area is the study of peptides at solid/liquid interfaces.  Both experimental and theoretical approaches are pursed in our group.  The use of dynamic and static light scattering for the study of proteins and tailored peptides in solution is routine in our laboratory.  This work is supplemented by neutron diffraction and neutron reflectivity studies performed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.  The experimental work is supported (and interpreted) by using atomic level molecular simulations.  We are currently focusing our efforts on the study of surface-induced polypeptide aggregation.  This work is aimed at the understanding of the formation of amyloid deposits.

Purification of biomacromolecules:  The focus of our current research in this area is the study of the effect of glycosylation on the stability of monoclonal antibodies and other proteins.  A key component of our work is the experimental determination of second virial coefficients and their interpretations using statistical thermodynamics to quantify the effect of glycan groups on the potential of mean force of biomacromolecules.

Bio-X Researcher


June 2018 - Present Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Present Professor, Missouri University of Science and Technology Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Curriculum Vitae


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Honors and Awards

  • The Whitaker Foundation Biomedical Engineering Award, 1995


1991 Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, North Carolina State University
1984 M.S. in Chemical Engineering, University of the South, Argentina
1979 B.S. in Chemical Engineering, University of Buenos Aires

Contact Information

210-I Bertelsmeyer Hall
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Rolla, MO 65409-1230

(573) 341-4427
Fax:(573) 341-4377
