Building an online learning community for technology integration in education
FDLA Journal
Researcher ID
Jennifer Reeves0000-0002-5494-3990
Document Type
Publication Date
Our professional learning community (PLC), or the Technology Integration Learning Community (TILC), consists of nine professors from the Fischler College of Education at Nova Southeastern University who embody a wide range of knowledge and skills related to instruction, research, and technology. Our TILC provides a supportive, collaborative, safe, and non-judgmental environment for sharing that knowledge (and questions) about technology tools and ideas that can be used to enhance both instruction and learning. Through a self-study, the TILC developed a framework for members to improve their own effectiveness when working with students enrolled in their courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.
Citation Information
Jennifer Lyn Reeves, Jason Karp, Gabriela Mendez, Julie Alemany, et al.. "Building an online learning community for technology integration in education" FDLA Journal Vol. 2 Iss. 3 (2015) p. 1 - 13 Available at:
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