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The Rhetorical Oracle: A Fun Introduction to Rhetoric
Rhetoric Unit
  • Dan Gleason, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Document Type
Teacher Resource
Publication Date

In this lesson students meet three key rhetorical schemes – anaphora, antithesis, and chiasmus – in a fun, engaging way. The students share some common concerns related to school (e.g., too much homework, not enough time with friends, bad grades on essays); after a student raises an issue, that student is given a slip of paper with a relevant (and rhetorical!) sentence or two to read aloud. With these rhetorical pronouncements, students hear the patterns of the three schemes in an engaging and personal way. The teacher can then follow up with a more detailed account of the rhetorical patterns.

Citation Information
Dan Gleason. "The Rhetorical Oracle: A Fun Introduction to Rhetoric" (2013)
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