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Fairy Tale Stylization Project
Modern World Fiction
  • Dan Gleason, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Document Type
Teacher Resource
Publication Date

The Fairy Tale project is a group project that captures the key distinctions in literary style that we analyze in our Modern World Fiction class. In that class, we look at fiction through the lens of different stylistic flavors: maximalism, minimalism, ludic (playful) style, surrealism, and magical realism. The fairy tale project helps students look back on all these different styles, reflect on them, and note their key features and differences more clearly. In this project, groups of students will rewrite a fairy tale in all (five) literary styles. Each member of the group will rewrite the tale in one style and also write a detailed analysis of that revision.

Citation Information
Dan Gleason. "Fairy Tale Stylization Project" (2011)
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