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Contribution to Book
Suspended sediment dynamics over a dune in the Rio Paraná
Workshop on Morphodynamic Processes in Large Lowland Rivers, Part E – Field and Laboratory Measurement Methods
  • Dan H. Shugar, University of Washington Tacoma
  • Ray Kostaschuk
  • James L. Best
  • Dan Parsons
  • Stuart Lane
  • Rich Hardy
Publication Date
Document Type
Book Chapter

This study examines turbulence and sediment suspension over large sand dunes in the Río Paraná.. An acoustic Doppler current profiler was used to measure three-dimensional velocity, and at-a-point suspended sediment concentration and particle-size were measured with a laser in situ scattering transmis-someter. Phase coherence wavelet analysis of time series indicates that fluid ejections sourced near the bed suspend sand into the overlying flow.

Citation Information
Shugar, D., Kostaschuk, R., Best, J., Parsons, D., Lane, S., Hardy, R., and Orfeo, O., 2007. Sediment dynamics over a dune in the Rio Paraná. In: Paola, C., Parker, G., and García, M.H. (Eds) Workshop on Morphodynamic Processes in Large Lowland Rivers. Santa Fe, Argentina, 3pp.