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Neo-Stoicism and Skepticism in Part One of “Don Quijote”: Removing the Authority of a Genre. Daniel Lorca. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2016. ix 1 158 pp. $80.
Renaissance Quarterly (2017)
  • Damian Bacich, San Jose State University
It is no surprise that a work of the stature of Don Quixote continues to engender debate among scholars more than four centuries after its publication. Neo-Stoicism and Skepticism in Part One of “Don Quijote” by Daniel Lorca enters the fray by addressing Cervantes’s intention in writing the novel and the strategy he used to achieve his goal. As Cervantes himself tells us in the prologue to Don Quixote, his aim in writing the novel is to do away with the popularity of chivalric romances. But did Cervantes intend to discredit an entire literary genre simply through ridicule? Or was there a more profound strategy at play? These are the questions that Lorca attempts to answer.
Publication Date
December 1, 2017
Publisher Statement
This article was published by the University of Chicago Press for the Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 70, issue 4, 2017, pp. 1630-1631. The article is also available online at

© 2017 by University of Chicago Press.
Citation Information
Damian Bacich. "Neo-Stoicism and Skepticism in Part One of “Don Quijote”: Removing the Authority of a Genre. Daniel Lorca. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2016. ix 1 158 pp. $80." Renaissance Quarterly Vol. 70 Iss. 4 (2017) p. 1630 - 1631 ISSN: 0034-4338
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