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MeasuringImpacts in Risk Management Education – The Beehive Master Beef Manager Program
Journal of Extension
  • C. K. Chapman
  • Dale R. ZoBell, Utah State University
  • E. B. Godfrey
  • D. Feuz
  • R. E. Banner, Utah State University
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The purpose of Extension risk management education is to assist clientele by helping them make better management decisions. The results of this effort can sometimes take months or years to be expressed. It is difficult for Extension faculty to wait for this interval because administrators and funding entities demand results for programs usually within the space of one year. Curriculum-based programming enables faculty member(s) to develop enough data about attitude changes and knowledge transfer over several workshops to demonstrate statistical changes, compared to single workshops. Using multiple evaluation instruments, Extension faculty can show implementation patterns that further demonstrate program value.


Journal of Extension Vol. 46, No. 5, October 2008

Citation Information
Chapman, C.K., ZoBell, D.R., Godfrey, E.B., Feuz, D. & Banner, R.E. 2008. Measuring Impacts in Risk Management Education – The Beehive Master Beef Manager Program. Journal of Extension Vol. 46, No. 5, October 2008