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Contribution to Book
Handbook of Health Administration and Policy
Faculty Books and Monographs
  • Anne Osbourne Kilpatrick
  • James A. Johnson
  • Mary Ellen Uphoff, University of Nebraska Medical Center
  • Dale Krane, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Editors: Anne Osborne Kilpatrick and James A Johnson

Chapter 30, Health Care Technology Assessment, co-authored by Dale Krane, UNO faculty member.

This comprehensive text offers a broad view of health care policy, health services delivery and organization, and health care management. Drawing on the insights of over 100 scholars and leading practitioners, it highlights organizational changes reflected in health care mergers, networks, and affiliations and describes the role of funding agencies in the direct provision of services. Providing over 2350 references, tables, and drawings, the book charts the influences of managed care on provisions, funding, and the configuration of providers and services, and portrays the increasingly influential and challenging role of health administrators.

Publication Date
Public Administration

Book 70 in the Public Administration and Public Policy series.

Citation Information
Uphoff, M.E. and Krane, D. (1999). Health Care Technology Assessment. In A. O. Kilpatrick and J. A. Johnson (Eds.), Handbook of Health Administration and Policy. New York, NY: Marcel-Dekker.