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Potent in vitro activity of the albumin fusion type 1interferons (albumin-interferon-alpha and albumin-interferon-beta) against RNA viral agentsof bioterrorism and the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus
  • G. M. Subramanian
  • P. A. Moore
  • Brian B. Gowen, Utah State University
  • Aaron L. Olsen, Utah State University
  • Dale L. Barnard, Utah State University
  • J. Paragas
  • R. J. Hogan
  • R. W. Sidwell, Utah State University
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Background: The type 1 interferons (INF-α and INF-β) are potent antiviral agents. Albumin-INF-α and albumin-INF-β are novel recombinant proteins consisting of IFN-α or IFN-β genetically fused to human albumin. Methods: The in vitro antiviral activity of albumin-IFN-α was evaluated against representative bioterrorism viral agents and the severe acute respiratory syndrome virus. Antiviral activity was assessed using inhibition of cytopathic effect and neutral red staining. Results: EC50 values for albumin-IFN-α ranged fromConclusion: Further evaluation of these long-acting albumin-IFN fusion proteins as prophylactic or therapeutic agents against these viral agents of bioterrorism in relevant primate models is warranted.


Chemotherapy 54: 176-180. PMID: 18560223

Citation Information
Subramanian, G.M., Moore, P.A., Gowen, B.B., Olsen, A.L., Barnard, D.L., Paragas, J., Hogan, R.J. and Sidwell, R.W. 2008. Potent in vitro activity of the albumin fusion type 1 interferons (albumin-interferon-alpha and albumin-interferon-beta) against RNA viral agents of bioterrorism and the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus. Chemotherapy 54: 176-180. PMID: 18560223