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About D. G. C. Robertson

Dr. David G. C. Robertson graduated from Imperial College, London, in 1963, and then attended the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, where he obtained his Ph.D. in 1968.  He joined the faculty at Imperial College on completion of his Ph.D. and remained there until 1986, when he accepted the position of Professor of Metallurgical Engineering and Director of the Center for Pyrometallurgy at the University of Missouri‑Rolla (since 2008 the Missouri University of Science and Technology).

Dr. Robertson has had a wide variety of teaching, research, and administrative experience since receiving his doctorate in 1968.  His teaching duties have covered a range of courses from "Introductory Materials for Engineers" to "Transport Phenomena in Extractive Metallurgy”. His major emphasis has been in teaching the application of engineering principles to metallurgical processes for smelting, refining, and solidification.  His research work has been concentrated in the same area, including research into the fluid mechanics of processes such as gas injection into melts, gas jet atomization of liquid metals, and the production of ferro-alloys.  Dr. Robertson has also worked on thermodynamic measurements in melts, gas‑solid reactions, and mathematical modeling.

At the University of Missouri‑Rolla, Dr. Robertson was responsible for all aspects of running the Generic Mineral Technology Center for Pyrometallurgy until October 1996.  This was a national center for university‑based research funded through the United States Bureau of Mines, with a budget of about a million dollars per annum.

A feature of Dr. Robertson’s work has been the maintenance of close contact with industry, and a number of contracts have been carried out for companies in the areas of both metal powder production and smelting and refining.  These companies involved have included:  Falconbridge, Berry Metals, The Doe Run Company, Quemetco, Warrenton Resources, Big River Zinc, Elkem/Eramet, Mintek, BHPBilliton, Anglo Platinum.

Dr. Robertson has organized two successful international conferences sponsored by the Center ‑‑ in 1986 at Purdue University on "Gas‑Solid Reactions in Pyrometallurgy" (52 participants) and in 1988 at the University of Utah on "Flash Reaction Processes" (70 participants).


March 2008 - Present Professor Emeritus of Metallurgical Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology Materials Science and Engineering
February 1986 - March 2008 Professor of Metallurgical Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology Materials Science and Engineering
January 1986 - August 1996 Director, Missouri University of Science and Technology Center for Pyrometallurgy

Curriculum Vitae

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Honors and Awards

  • J.F. Elliott Lecturer Award, AIST, 2010
  • TMS Extractive and Processing Division (EPD) Distinguished Lecture Award, 2008
  • Mid American State Universities Association Honors Lecturer, 1987 88
  • Salter Prize, Imperial College, 1963


1968 Ph. D., The University of New South Wales
1963 B.Sc. (Eng.) 1st Class Honors in Metallurgy, Imperial College London ‐ Royal School of Mines

Contact Information

Materials Science and Engineering
Missouri University of Science and Technology
McNutt Hall
Rolla, MO 65409-0340


Research Works (90)