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Chinese Wine Tourism: Not Just About Wine | Alternative Emerging Investor
Alternative Emerging Investor
  • Cynthia Howson, University of Washington Tacoma
  • Pierre Ly
  • Jeff Begun
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One of the most visible symbols of growth in the Chinese wine industry is the development of wine castles, museums and amusement parks. An intriguing feature of Chinese wine tourism is that the infrastructure is developing with remarkable speed, even before the wines receive widespread recognition. Whether it’s a beach resort city in Shandong or an isolated rural region like Ningxia, wine is part of a bigger story, where complementary investments can promote tourism, hospitality, banking, real estate, and more, targeting visitors who may not even be wine drinkers. This is unusual, but there are good reasons to believe it can pay off. First, building a welcoming environment for visitors may help grow the base of wine consumers by educating them. But more than that, when a wine region develops in conjunction with other complementary businesses and institutions, the benefits can extend far beyond the wine industry. In fact, the importance of industrial clusters has long been apparent in other sectors in China as well as far-reaching wine clusters like Napa, California, so the real question is how to invest in the right places, given each region’s distinct strengths.

Citation Information
Cynthia Howson, Pierre Ly and Jeff Begun. "Chinese Wine Tourism: Not Just About Wine | Alternative Emerging Investor" Alternative Emerging Investor (2014)
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