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In Memoriam: Richard Fenske
Environmental Health Perspectives (2023)
  • Cynthia L. Curl, Boise State University
Dr. Richard Fenske passed away on 19 May 2023. His remarkable career highlights included pioneering novel exposure science methods, which he used to protect agricultural workers and their families from pesticide exposures1,2; cofounding the Pacific Northwest Agricultural Research Center, which he directed for over 20 years; and serving as a mentor and advisor for dozens of environmental health students, researchers, and faculty. In fact, of all his many achievements, Rich said he was most proud of the contributions his students have made to the field of environmental health.
Publication Date
October, 2023
Citation Information
Cynthia L. Curl. "In Memoriam: Richard Fenske" Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 131 Iss. 10 (2023) p. 101601-1 - 101601-2 ISSN: 0091-6765
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